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Calling for Paper for GJET, Vol.2, No.1, June 2025

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Calling for Paper for GJET, Vol.2, No.1, June 2025



The Global Journal of Educational Thoughts releases issues twice a year, in June and December. Authors must provide the Editorial Board with rights or a license to the intellectual property contained in their submitted papers. The Editorial Board holds the exclusive authority to accept or decline papers without providing any specific justification.

Additionally, they possess the right to subject the paper to third-party review and make edits as deemed appropriate. Authors whose papers need revisions will receive feedback and must make the necessary corrections within 7 working days before resubmitting to the Editor.


The submitted paper should adhere to the following format on the initial page, arranged sequentially from top to bottom:

All submissions must be written in English, utilizing a 12-point Times New Roman font, single spacing, and maintaining a one-inch margin on all four sides of the page. The paper’s length should not exceed 20 pages or 5,000 words, inclusive of sections like abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results/findings, discussion, conclusion, and/or implications. Tables, figures, reference lists, and appendices are not counted in the word limit.

Click here for GJET paper format template:

Main Author & Correspondence

Collaborative papers should list the complete names and addresses of all authors, with the main author’s name taking precedence. All communications will be addressed to the corresponding author, who serves as the representative for all other contributors.

Submit your paper in Microsoft Word document to us by clicking here:

Originality Form

Read and fill out the Originality Form on your submitted paper. Submit a soft copy of it together with your paper to the Journal Editor. 

Click here for the Originality Form:


This journal mandates the use of the complete APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style. When citing a journal paper, italicize the journal title up to the volume number. It’s important to note that the paper’s title should neither be italicized nor entirely in uppercase. Additionally, starting from the second line onward, maintain a 1.27 cm indentation.

Click the link below for examples and details in APA 7th Edition Common Guidelines:

Important Deadlines

June Publication

Paper submission:     1 May

Author notification:   31 May

Journal publication:   30 June

December Publication

Paper submission:     1 November

Author notification:  30 November

Journal publication:  31 December